CARE OF ASSOCIATED MEDICAL DISORDERS Two conditions worth mentioning are Dandruff and Alopecia Areata. DANDRUFF It is a widely prevalent myth that dandruff is a disease. Nothing can be far from the truth. Just as we have sweat glands, we also have sebaceous glands that secrete sebum. In some individuals there occurs excess secretion of sebum. This sebum in its dried form is Dandruff. dandruff can be controlled. NOT CURED. Which anti Dandruff shampoo suits your scalp must be used twice a week regularly, once or twice a week for a sufficient length of time. ALOPECIA AREATA There could be various reasons for this condition. One has to take treatment according to Medical supervision and not try self medication. We have mentioned time and again, only products which have been sufficiently treid and tested should be used. Do not get carried away by terms like herbal or hom made. You cant take you hair, lightly after all how attractive you look depends upon your hair.