Normal Pregnancy


Detailed below are the common manifestations of pregnancy:

  • Missed menstrual period: most often the first sign of pregnancy is missed menstrual period. If you have a regular menstrual cycle and are sexually active, a missed period is due to pregnancy unless proved otherwise. Other causes of delayed menstrual period
  • As mentioned earlier, the corpus luteum formed after ovulation secretes large amount of progesterone, which sustains the fertilized egg during the first fourteen weeks of pregnancy. It also suppresses menstruation. Sometimes if the level of progesterone is not adequate enough to suppress menstruation, there may be small amount of bleeding that you may mistake to be normal menstruation. The amount of bleeding will however be less than normal. This type of menstrual period and therefore the probable due date of delivery.
  • Nausea: Nausea is very common during the first three months of pregnancy. Normally severe in the morning but occurs at any time of the day. There may be a feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen, which at times is so bad that some women vomit forcibly to relieve the fullness. Nausea may also be triggered by smell of cooking oil, fish etc. The reason why it occurs in pregnant women is not very clear.
  • Vomiting: Vomiting does not harm you or the baby, nor is it an indication of an abnormal pregnancy. You must however consult with a doctor if you vomit more than three or four times a day.
  • Increased frequency of passing urine: Most women pass urine between 2 to 6 times a day and rarely need to get up at night to pass urine. During early pregnancy, one may pass urine every two hours, irrespective of the amount of water taken and she may also get up once or twice at night to pass urine. This is normal the growing uterus presses upon the urinary bladder. This increased frequency during pregnancy does not require treatment unless it is accompanied with pain or burning sensation while passing the urine.
  • Changes in the taste: Some women complain of metallic taste in their mouth even before their missed menstrual period. Some others begin to dislike food that they used to like before. These changes may either be due to changes in the taste sensation or inability to tolerate some smells associated with specific foods.
  • Changes in the breast: The common changes in the breast that take place during pregnancy, are described below.

    Starting in the second month the breast enlarge progressively and become somewhat nodular as both glands and ducts increase. The nipples enlarge and become darker and more erectile. Later the areolae also darken and the visible veins over the breast become accentuated. Colostrum, a thick, yellowish fluid, can often be expressed from the nipple by gentle massage during the later part of pregnancy.

  • Changes in the skin: Not very common in early pregnancy. If the skin is already dry, it is likely to turn still more dry during pregnancy. There may also develop spots on the face, especially around the mouth, which usually disappear within a few weeks.

All of the above may or may not be present in every woman. It is therefore recommended that as soon as the menstruation cycle is missed, it is advisable that pregnancy is confirmed.

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