

Jogging a popular term amongst the fitness enthusiast - is a form of running at an easy pace. Jogging helps the jogger to remain fit, lose weight, develop grace, attain physical fulfilment, and get relief from stress. Jogging consumes 10 to 13 calories per minute.

Most fitness authorities have accepted jogging as an exercise for general physical conditioning as well as beneficial for the heart. They stress that it should be practiced at least on alternate days. What do most joggers not know, is that jogging should not be done on hard surfaces. It is calculated that while jogging feet hit the ground at least 550 to 600 times per kilometre and can give problems like micro fractures in the knee joint as well as bruised heels, strained Achilles tendons and other knee and back ailments. Warm-up exercises before jogging and properly designed shoes are other pre-requisites of safe jogging.