It is generally not possible to get a meal prepared for you without salt. You should be selective in the dishes you choose. Many restaurants will prepare some salad vegetables without dressing and perhaps provide you with an oil and vinegar dressing. Inquire as to whether they have meat or fish that has not been marinated beforehand. Starters: choose fruit juice, melon or grapefruit cocktail. Fish: Choose fish preferably grilled without salt. Meats: Choose roast meat or chicken (without gravy), grilled chops (not marinated). Again, avoid prepared sauces. Vegetables: Choose baked potatoes, baked vegetables, and a continental dish without cheese and salads without dressings. Dessert: Choose fresh, canned or stewed fruit, such as fruit salad, strawberries, baked apples or pears. A small serving of ice-cream if desired. Avoid eating Chinese meals as these generally have very high levels of sodium in all their dishes except if you are quite happy with a bowl of steamed rice.