Apart from cessation of
periods, the symptoms experienced due to lack of female hormones may be:
Hot flushes and Sweats
flushes may happen when you are excited, under stress, or doing nothing in particular!
You, suddenly feel hot, and the heat seems to rise to your face so that you feel as if you
are blushing furiously.
can accompany or occur on its own, particularly at night.
Emotional Changes
You may feel nervous, irritable, tense,
depressed or weepy, for no particular reason. Some women complain of headaches,
flutterings in the chest, fatigue or difficulty in concentrating and sleeping.
Body Changes
The genital organs can undergo marked
alteration, which can lead to irritation, itching and discharge. Many women complain
intercourse is painful, and this can affect attitude towards the sexual relationship.
Other changes sometimes takes place in
and around the bladder. As a result, some women find they have to pass urine more often
and more likely to suffer bouts of "Cystitis".