Hip abduction
Step 1
Lie on your left side bend the left leg at the knee with your right palm resting on your bed or floor near your bustline.
Lift your right leg upward inch by inch to the count of 6 and slowly bring it down.
Step 2
Repeat on the other side with the Left leg. This tones up the outer thigh which is a difficult problem area for most women.
Step 3
Lie on your left side
Rest your cheek in palm of the left hand. Right hand pressed on the bed or floor.
Raise both legs at the same time off the bed.
Hold for count of 4. Toes pointed, legs straight, stretched, body in a straight line.
Lower the legs slowly.
Step 4
Repeat on the right side. This exercise gives good contraction of the outer and inner thigh muscles as well as the pelvic floor muscles.
Tones up the thighs and also strengthens the sphincter muscles.
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