A girl (or even a boy) who has
reached 12 years of age, is supposed to have accomplished most of the following:
Gain wider knowledge and understanding of the physical and social world.
Build wholesome attitudes towards oneself.
Learn an appropriate feminine (or masculine) social role.
Develop conscience, morality and a scale of values.
Learn to read, write, calculate, and learning other fundamental intellectual skills.
Learn to win and maintain a place among ones age-mates.
Learn to give and take and to share responsibility and
Achieve increasing personal independence.
And in this crucial phase of Adolescencethey must .
Develop self-confidence and a clear sense of identity.
Accept ones physique and adjust to body changes.
Achieve a feminine or masculine social role.
Develop new, mature relations with age-mates.
Achieve emotional independence from parents and other adults.
Develop concern beyond oneself, achieve mature values and social responsibility.
Select and prepare for a career.
Learn to make choices and take responsibility.
Build a conscious value system in harmony with an adequate world picture.
Experience has shown that managing body changes, menarche and a
feeling of sexuality are three chores that turn difficult without proper information and
that is where JUSTEVES comes in picture.