- Low Mood - feeling sad, blue, down in the dumps, even pleasing events cannot lift the
- Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in food, sex, hobbies or just about everything,
which was earlier pleasurable.
- Loss of self-confidence: person feels he will not be able to manage the work though he
has managed similar work in the past.
- Feeling of worthlessness ("I am no good, I am a bad person").
- Loss in thoughts, person gets too many thoughts mainly negative ones ("nothing good
will happen", and "I may never recover").
- Inability to concentrate
- Indecisiveness - at one moment person makes one decision and within no time makes the
exactly opposite decision.
- Increased irritability person becomes irritable over small trifling matters.
- Panic attacks i.e. palpitation, chest pain, nervousness, excessiveness sweating, and
feeling of impending death.
- Frequent crying.
- Guilt feeling ("I am a burden on my family; others are suffering, because of me; I
have committed a sin" etc.).
- Suicidal thoughts thoughts of death, attempted suicide.