


    Never slump and sit as this causes your tailbone to bend under you, your lower back bends outward and your upper back is rounded forward. Slumping is the chief culprit of lower back pain. The correct posture is to sit with your back arched slightly backward at an angle greater the 90o.

    Uptight Sitting:
    Causes low level tightening of muscles and you need to hold the spine erect without support. Avoid such deep unsupportive chairs.

    Sitting Still:
    Do not sit still for too long in one position. The negative forces occurring in the slumped and uptight postures reduce the sitting tolerance even further, affecting your spine.

    It is more comfortable and healthier to move among several healthy sitting postures.


    Locked Knees:
    Standing with your knee joints pushed back and locked causes pelvic and low back problems, since it increases the lower back arch. The correct posture would be to unlock the knees and bend slightly forward over the ankle thereby decreasing the lower spine arch.

    Slump Standing:
    Slumping and standing causes the knees and ankles to bend excessively putting an enormous strain on the pelvis as it tips outward and pushes the tailbone under you. This also causes a slump in the chest.


    You should always sleep on a firm mattress, never on a soft mattress. Sleeping on a firm mattress will ensure that the vertebrae do not sag and stretch the ligaments which connect the bones. Use the right number of pillows. A good pillow cradles the neck and keeps the spine in a straight line.


    Frequent bending
    to pick up something without bending your knees can cause extensive strain on the discs in your spine.

    Always take your weight through one or both arms and bend your knees. This takes the compression and the strain of the lower spine.

    Never lift anything without bending your knees.
    Never stand far away from the object.

    The correct lifting move would be to bend from the knees, not your waist. Keep your back as possible. Stand close to the object, keep feet apart, use the whole of your hands, brace abdominal muscles and lift by straightening knees. This will not place undue pressure on the spine.


    Twisting your spine to reach for objects can cause muscle or ligament strain.

    Always turn around completely and move your whole body towards the required object.


    When you are working in the kitchen, practice good posture: stand with your head held high, your chin tucked in and the three natural curves of your spine in balance. If you are standing for a prolonged period, use a footstool to raise one foot off the floor, to reduce stress on your lower back. (You can also open a cabinet door and place you foot on the bottom shelf.) Keep your pelvis and your shoulders facing forward while you work.


    When you drive, you sit – and sitting puts a great deal more strain on your lower back than standing. Adjust your seat, moving as close to the steering wheel as is comfortable. Keep your knees bent. Use your mirrors more.

    Support your lumbar curve. If your car seat doesn’t have an adequate lumbar support, use a small pillow, a pre-made support or a rolled –up towel that is enough to fill the small hollow of the lower back.

    Similarly during long flights, place an airline pillow or a folded blanket in the small of your back to support your lumbar spine

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