What is HIV?

HIV stands for Human Immuno-deficiency Virus.

What is AIDS?

HIV causes a disease complex known as AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome).  Thus, HIV is the the virus and AIDS is the name of the disease. They are not synonyms. To understand them better, let us dissect them out


Self explanatory – a Virus that affects Humans causing Deficiency of Immune system.


Acquired: because it is not an inborn condition, but acquired during or after birth.

Immune – Deficiency: deficiency in the body’s natural defense mechanism or the immune system

Syndrome: a group of symptoms affecting multiple systems, all of which are due to the body’s diminished ability to fight diseases.

It is important to remember that everyone who has contracted HIV infection will develop full blown AIDS over a period of time (max 10 yrs) depending upon their general health and natural defense mechanism of the body.

What does HIV look like?

Just as all viruses, the HIV is also very small and can only be seen through an electron microscope. It is so small that about 10,000 viruses can be placed in circle, having a diameter of one mm.

Why is HIV so dangerous & how does it affect the body?

HIV destroys our lymphocytes - 25% of the total white blood cells, essential for destroying disease-causing organisms. These lymphocytes normally increase in number in response to any infection. There are two types of lymphocytes: B cells & T cells. B cells secrete large amounts of antibodies when they come in contact with bacteria or viruses.

T cells on the other hand destroy the specific disease causing organisms. They are also called "killer cells" because of their killer action.

HIV is very infectious. HIV destroys our lymphocytes - 25% of the total white blood cells, essential for destroying disease-causing organisms. These lymphocytes normally increase in number in response to any infection.

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