WHICH ACUTE AND INTERMEDIATE SYMPTOMS RESPOND TO HRT? Studies have consistently reported that estrogens relieve mention 2 symptoms, sleeplessness and the local symptoms of vaginal atrophy. With regard to the psychological status, the reported benefits vary widely. HOW QUICKLY CAN RELIEF OF FLUSHES BE ACHIEVED? The response to treatment can be dramatic with a marked effect obvious within a few days and elimination of flushing achieved within a few weeks. Yes. Once stabilized on HRT, symptom relief is usually
sustained throughout the treatment period. Various factors, however, result in a partial
return of vasomotor symptoms. These include travelling in the sun during the summer
holidays, prolonged use of certain antibiotics and domestic or work stress. Abrupt
cessation of HRT often results in a return of flushes and sweats. This can be avoided by a
gradual reduction in estrogen dosage over several weeks or months as recommended by your
physician. WHICH PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS RESPOND TO HRT? There is a significant decrease in psychological
complaints such as irritability, fatigue, anxiety and depression when estrogen is given
alone or in combination with a progestogen. It is felt that the psychological improvements
are secondary to the relief of disabling vasomotor symptoms, i.e. the 'domino effect'.