Electro-Convulsive therapy (ECT) also
called shock therapy is a useful treatment especially in severe forms of depression and in
those where other treatments have been unsuccessful. This form of treatment is also the
one which is most misunderstood and carries an image of torture and excessive force. The
truth however, is that induces a convulsion the patient does not feel anything as
he has been given general anaesthesia. The treatment is safe for most patient, and
improvement starts almost immediately. Unlike popular misconception, the treatment does
not produce any brain damage or permanent loss of memory. CT Scan and M.R.I. Scan studies
have shown that ECT does not produce any brain damage. In a few cases recent memory may be
temporarily affected which is reversible. In cases of attempted suicide, ECTs are a
life saving measure. A course of 6 to 10 ECTs are given.