Medical Termination of Pregnancy is legalized abortion. There are many countries where abortion is yet to be legalized. In India, abortion was legalized through "Medical Termination of
Pregnancy Act" of 1971, which came in force from April '72. The provisions of the act
have been revised in '75.
Since the legalization of abortion
in India, deliberate induction of abortion
by a Registered Medical Practitioner in the interest of mothers health and life is
protected under the MTP act. The following provisions are laid down:
- The continuation of pregnancy would
involve serious risk of life or grave injury to the physical and mental health of the
pregnant woman.
- There is a substantial risk of the child being born with serious physical and mental
abnormalities so as to be handicapped in life.
- When the pregnancy is caused by rape both
in cases of major or minor girl and in mentally unbalanced women.
- Pregnancy caused as a result of failure
of a contraceptive used by any married
woman or by her husband.
In practice, the following are the indications for termination
under the MTP Act:
- To save the life of the mother (therapeutic or Medical termination): The indications
are limited and scarcely justifiable now a days except in the following cases:
- Pulmonary tuberculosis, when superimposed pregnancy
deteriorates the conditions.
Cardiac diseases like abnormalities of the valves with history of complications in the
previous pregnancy or in between
pregnancies are justifiable indications for termination of the first trimester.
Chronic glomerulonephritis
Malignant Hypertension
- intractable hyperemesis
- Epilepsy
or psychiatric illness with the advice of a psychiatrist.
- Social indications:
This is almost the sole indication and is covered under the
provision "to prevent grave injury to the physical and mental health of the pregnant
woman". In about 80%, it is limited to women already having children, with an
unplanned pregnancy with low socioeconomic
status. Pregnancy caused by rape or
unwanted pregnancy caused due to failure of
any contraceptive device also falls in
this category (20%).
- Fetal causes:
This is done under the provision of "substantial risk of the
child being born with serious physical and mental abnormalities so as to be handicapped in
life". The indication is rare.
- Genetic and other abnormalities of the fetus, which are known to transmit certain
inherited disorders.
- When the fetus is likely to be deformed due to action of teratogenic drugs or radiation exposure
in early pregnancy. Having taken hormones
either in form of tablets or injections for delayed periods or accidental pelvic X-ray
(having less than 10 rad) is not a justifiable indication for termination, especially in
first pregnancy.
- Rubella,
a viral infection affecting in the first trimester, is an indication for termination.
- History of one or both parents being mentally defective or previous children being
malformed can be a reason for termination in consultation with a geneticist.
- In the revised rules, a Registered Medical Practitioner fulfilling the following
criteria is qualified to perform a MTP provided:
- One who has assisted in at least 25 MTPs in an authorized center and having a
- One who has got six months house surgeon training in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- One who has got diploma or degree in obstetrics and gynecology.
- Termination can only be performed in
hospitals, established or maintained by the government or places approved by the
- Pregnancy can only be terminated on the
written consent of the woman. Husbands consent is not required.
- Pregnancy in a minor girl (below the age
of 18 years) or lunatic cannot be terminated without written consent of the parents or
legal guardians.
- Termination is permitted up to 20 weeks of
pregnancy. In cases of pregnancy exceeding 12 weeks, opinion of two
medical practitioners is required.
- The abortion has to be performed
confidentially and to be reported to the Director of Health Services of the State in the
prescribed form.