Recipes of Salads


You will need:

  • 4 apples
  • 80 gms celery and chicory
  • Few nuts
  • Seasoning
  • 200 gms Paneer
  • Lemon juice
  • Lettuce
  • Few dates


  1. Cut a good slice off the top of the each apple but leave the skin on
  2. Remove the core, then scoop out most of the apple and chop into neat dice.
  3. Sprinkle the apple, including the ‘shell’ with the lemon juice
  4. Mix the Paneer, seasoning, chopped dates, chopped celery or chicory with the diced apple, pile into the apples
  5. Replace the cap. Serve garnished with lettuce.
  6. Chopped nuts may also be added to the filling.