Lactation & Cross Nursing


One factor that would definitely advise against breast-feeding is a negative attitude on the part of the mother. If the mother, after being given adequate information on breast-feeding, prefers to bottle-feed her baby, she should not be forced to breast-feed. Rarely is lactation successful when maternal desire to breast-feed is absent.


Mothers who have had operative deliveries usually find that they can breast-feed successfully after the effects of anesthesia have worn off for both mother and child. In fact the mother can minimize the effects of pain medication on her baby by taking it 15 to 30 minutes directly before nursing. It may be possible for the mother to avoid some discomfort by requesting that the intravenous drips be placed in a position that allow her maximum mobility to handle her baby. Use of plenty of pillows will allow her to reduce the discomfort of pressure on her incision; if she can be comfortable in more than one position, she may be able to increase the number of nursing positions and reduce the severity of nipple sore. Despite the few potential problems, the rate of successful breast-feeding among cesarean mothers is no different from that of mothers who deliver vaginally.

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