Diet in Pregnancy

As is known, during pregnancy fetus derives its nutrition from the mother's blood through placenta. There is thus an increased caloric requirement to provide for the growth of maternal tissues, fetus, placenta and an increased metabolic rate. About 300-500 extra calories are required during pregnancy. A pregnant woman's diet should therefore be sufficient to provide for:

  1. Maintenance of mother's health.
  2. Needs of the growing fetus.
  3. Strength and vitality required during labor.
  4. Successful lactation.

The diet should be light, nutritious, easily digestible and rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. In addition to the principal foods, one must include at least ½ litre of milk, plenty of green leafy vegetables, eggs and fruits.

A sample diet sheet is given below as a guideline:

When? What to eat?
Early morning Bed tea/coffee 1 cup with 1 tsp. sugar
8.00 a.m. 2 toast with butter or 2 parathas
11.00 a.m. 1 fruit
1.00 p.m. 1 wati rice, 1 wati dal, 2-3 chapatis, curd, green leafy vegetable, fish or meat for non-vegetarians.
4.00 p.m. Tea, biscuits/ idli/ upma/ toast
6.00 p.m. Fruit
8.00 p.m. Khichdi, cooked vegetables, chapatti/ bhakri, dal, fish or meat.
Bedtime Milk or custard.